Mojobreak The Hype - A Sports Card Podcast

We skipped 123 in order to do 124 in tribute of the greatest Laker of all time. We talk Kobe in the collectable world. Is ok to sell? What about the people that are raising their prices? Be careful of all the FAKES on Ebay. Be aware.

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Direct download: Mojo_The_Hype_124_-_Kobe_Bryant_Tribute_Legacy__Impact_On_Hobby.mp3
Category:Sports -- posted at: 11:08pm EST

We started breaks in 2010 we look at the good, the bad and the replay from across the last 10 years of sports cards. Fun show. Recommend watching this on youtube as well for the videos and pictures

Follow us @mojobreak_com on Twitter and Instagram

Direct download: Mojo_The_Hype_122_-_A_Decade_Of_Breaks_Review.mp3
Category:Sports -- posted at: 7:32pm EST

Astros cheat how does this effect the marquee player card values? Zion is scheduled to play next week. We break down recent Williamson card sales. We also debate the NFL Championship Weekend 

Thanks for listening as always!

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Direct download: Mojo_The_Hype_121_-_Zion_Cheating_Astros__NFL_Championships.mp3
Category:Sports -- posted at: 8:11pm EST

Live from Florida Dan Joins us to talk about the Viral Video of Lauri Markannen 1/1 Nebula. We also chat about Block Chain and MORE!

Sorry about audio. Work in progress with the on location broadcasting

Follow us @mojobreak_com on Twitter and INSTAGRAM

Direct download: The_Hype_Episode_120_Florida_Block_Chain_Ripped_11.mp3
Category:Sports -- posted at: 8:56pm EST